Ph: 724-947-5453
Fax: 724-947-5676
Now that many states are placing limits on the number of attempts that can be placed to consumers in a seven-day period, companies need to be in control of calling campaigns. Calling strategies, recalls, mutable lists and systems increase the risk of non-compliance and that simply can’t be controlled by system operators. Adopting MUG Enterprise Call Guard will provide centralized, secured control over your PCS. Password protected, you will select the number of attempts per record, by state, that can be made from your PCS; whether it’s one list, mutable lists or even mutable multiple PCS systems. What’s more, you may set defaults for the remaining states, keeping in line with how you want your customers contacted. Installs are handled remotely.
Assures that you are compliant
Increased productivity from agents
*AVAYA Tested*